The last few months seem to have flown by, and we are nearly halfway through 2016. That's a bit scary.
Other than a few snatched board sessions, I've not climbed much at all. I've tried to get out running a bit, and done a couple of enjoyable events.
7/5/16 I did the Malhamdale Trail Challenge, which was a nice low key event. 22 miles and some nice hills, on a really hot day. No medal for this, just pie and peas at the end. I went a bit slower with the heat, but came in under 5 hours which I was happy with. I complained about how hot it was, but was soon to realise it wasn't too bad!
15/5/16 The Iron Man and I did the Howgills Trail event, me doing the 26 and him the 13. It was even hotter than last weekend, so my time was slower than last year. Disappointing, but it's all miles in the legs so no real problem.
A few weeks back, LAA and I had a wander up near Wycoller. We went over Lad Law, and I noted the Abbott Stone up top which has a hard looking wall- crap edge right hand, thin mono dish left and a pop to a side pull sloper thing. There were quite a few other blocks up there but nothing of consequence. In the valley heading back to the village is a hippo block which may yield a decent sloping roof problem, and further on another outcrop opposite Fosters Leap, which looks like it has some easy stuff on it. I may go back if I ever get on rock regularly.
29/5/16 The Iron Man and I did the Pooley Bridge to Ambleside recce. This was the hottest day of the three, really nasty and no wind. I went through 5 litres of fluid and still it wasn't enough. 33km in and the Iron Man had to call it a day at Kentmere, partly due to heat and partly knees. I plodded on to Ambleside, but the 29 miles took a lot longer than last time. Considering the timings on the 100 are tighter this year, I'll need to think about where to push it.
Last weekend we had a run in the Lakes, ticking 5 Wainwrights - Steel Fell, Beda Fell, Angletarn Pikes, Brock Crags and Place Fell. Good day out with some good hills. The weekend after next we are doing the Nav4 Pennine 39, which will be my 23rd marathon/ ultra distance. Considering I said in 2012 I'd do one marathon, that seems ridiculous.
2 months ago