Dry days- 24
Days of rain- 30
Last night I met up with The Ginnster and BeardyBeast at Wet Poo for some more amazing crush. After touring the parking for 15 minutes I finally got a space and headed in, only to find the place packed out.
Weak Sam was there warming up so the usual chat ensued. We were amused about his deletion from the latest South Lakes lists of 1st ascents and repeats, I assume following his reticence to be named when repeating hard stuff. He seemed quite pleased in his way, although I'm still to be convinced that keeping quiet is the best policy- but that's up to him.
Anyway, BeardyBeast and the Ginnster had brought psyche by the teaspoon full. Amazing. I managed the stupid red V5 I failed on last time, plus the tan V5/6 at the right end. I managed to fall off the Tan V5 on the low overlap from the last move, several times. Bloody annoying. I have quite a few things to go back to. But once again I felt my skin was sore, and I just felt weak. At least I managed to wear my tightest Boosters for an hour, a major acheivement- maybe they are finally stretching.
On a plus side, I see TanMan is holding an Evolv masterclass tomorrow at Wet Poo. We were tempted to go along to learn, for example about tick marks ;-). Hope it goes OK, Tanners.
2 months ago
yeah, it seems 3 days of moving heavy furniture and boxes does nothing for crushability. Or Psyche for that matter...!