Dry days- 171
Days of rain- 169
The recent weather has been pretty rubbish, to say the least. Yesterday I decided I would go out anyway. An interesting decision considering the gales hitting the UK, with various road closures and weather warnings.
I opted to walk up a Wainwright, in order to get some numbers up. As I was Blob herding after school, I opted for one of the smaller and closer hills- Loughrigg Fell fitted the bill. Getting there was fun due to high winds, and areas of flooding on the way there. I had t o drive through various bits of flooded road, with a few inches of standing water. Eventually I arrived and headed off in the rain.
It wasn't too bad going, although the path was a river. Evidently I was in the Lee of the hill as when I was 100 metres from the trig point I encountered the full force of the wind. I literally could not stand up, but being the stubborn person I am I crawled to the top, then back down again. The pain from the hailstones travelling at the motorway speed limit pursuaded me not to walk up Silver How on the same day. Winded and breathless due to the high wind, I headed back down.
Back at the car I found that my phone, which I had in the bottom of the rucksack in a poly bag, was more like a goldfish that you win at the fair- sloshing about in a poly bag of water. iPhones and water don't mix, so I think this is an insurance job. At least I got out for a bit. I wonder when the rain will cease. Off to do some Munros next weekend with MadMac, I hope the weather ain't as bad then!
The road past Windermere:
1 month ago
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